Getting Attacked by a Wok
最後更新:08/30/2006 02:07:57
【本報消息】新橋大纜巷附近夜冷店昨日上午發生打鬥傷人案,一名女子懷疑精神失常,先後手持鐵鍋及一尊佛像追打一名欲購買佛像的男子。雙方在事件中均受傷送院,其中涉嫌傷人女子送院後須接受精神科檢查。 案中兩名傷者均四十三歲,其中姓留男子送往鏡湖醫院檢查後經已出院,被送往山頂醫院治療的女傷者情緖激動,需要留院接受精神科檢查,但無精神病記錄。 事發於昨日上午八時許,案中姓留男子在新橋大纜巷附近的叉巷逛夜冷店,並在其中一個地攤看中一尊土地佛像。事主向警方表示,當時欲購買佛像,但檔主並不在場,遂向另一攤檔檔主留下口信,要求代為知會檔主預留佛像,轉頭再作交易。現場消息稱,當時一名女子突然在附近衝出,有人大叫“邊個搶我個佛像”。女子情緖激動,隨手在附近拾起一隻鐵鍋,追打購買佛像的男事主,雙方糾纏期間,男事主成功奪過鐵鍋,但該女子再舉起土地佛像,繼續追打男事主,衆人事後合力將女子制服,有人並報警求助。 案中兩人均受傷送院,分別送往山頂、鏡湖醫院治理,有人稱疑追打男事主的女子居住在現場附近,警方正調查是否有人因精神問題,做出失常行為。
Excerpt from Macau Daily 30-08-2006
Basically what it says is that a middle-aged man (age 43) wanted to purchase a Buddha statue in a roadside market in San Kio (新橋) near Travessa da Corda (大纜巷). Unfortunately, the stall owner was not present, so the man told to an adjacent stall owner that he wanted to leave a message to save the Buddha statue for him. Suddenly, a woman out of nowhere comes bursting out and says, "Who's taking away my Buddha statue"? She also picks up a wok and tries to hit the man. The man luckily gets away with it. The woman then picks up a large Buddha statue and starts hitting the man. Both gets injured and someone had the nerve to call in the Judiciary Police. They were both sent to Centro Hospitalar Conde de S. Januario to treat their injuries inclusive of checking the psychological mind of the woman....