Friday, March 03, 2006

Photos of Zhuhai dinner

It was another get-together for a dinner in Zhuhai. This time the restaurant is nowhere near the China-Macau border. It was located in Xiangzhou district. A taxi ride from the border costs RMB25 one-way. But our taxi ride became like a video game. We had two taxis going up and one taxi was tagging the other. Unfortunately, the other taxi felt like playing a cat and mouse game. They were hurtling to and fro between the cars. Like one of the colleagues said, 'The safest drive is when they go through the tunnel.' The reason being 'speed cameras' are placed inside the tunnel due to too many road accidents.

This restaurant caters to Hunan food, which translates to spicy! Don't be fooled by the absence of red peppers. The dish with the fish is quite spicy. They also ordered durian pancakes! As I don't eat that fruit, I dare not touch that. In all the dinner costs around RMB40 per person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah...even the dish appears not spicy, it could actually be hotter than with red peppers, as it happened to me in a Korean restaurant.

Saturday, March 04, 2006 12:05:00 a.m.  
Blogger CBC in Hong Kong said...

I fooled some of my colleagues and had to tank down a Tsingtao 2000 beer to sooth their tongues. Haha.

Saturday, March 04, 2006 12:23:00 p.m.  

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