Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Problems for Edificio Hoi Pan Garden

Apparently, the row between the two estate management companies at my apartment complex has not been settled. The apartment complex made news again in Macao Daily (and for the wrong reasons). This time it is about the disposal of garbage. I didn't realize that nobody has dispose of the garbage placed in the bins beside the fire staircase for the past few days. I hardly dispose of garbage due to the fact most of the time, I'm not in the flat cooking. I felt there was something wrong when I came back to Macau from HK on 26 March 2006. When I left the elevator on my floor, I saw the "butch" and her husband started to pull the two plastic waste bins into the elevator. They exclaimed, "Nobody's taking out the garbage!" I thought to myself, "When did they become so pro-active?". Suddenly, I realized that their front door is nearly right across from the area where the waste bins are placed. I guess the stench was bad enough that they had to clear out the trash themselves!

Overall, I haven't seen much of a waste problem in my building due to the fact there's no pileup of garbage in the front lobby nor on my entire floor. From the newspapers today, they took a shot of a photo of a front lobby piled up with garbage.

The owners must have held an outdoor meeting last night as people were wailing through a loudspeaker at around 9:30pm. I hope they settle this out soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh eek, hope it doesn't leak a horrible smell into ur appartment! heheh have u considered moving?

Saturday, April 01, 2006 5:48:00 p.m.  
Blogger CBC in Hong Kong said...

There's no problems in my particular building. I don't see any garbage anywhere. But I need to put out the garbage outside at the public waste bins.

Monday, April 03, 2006 8:34:00 a.m.  

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