Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Poor Bus Drivers in Macau

Bus drivers in Macau get a lot of flack from passengers. Case in point. As I rode the AP1 route (Transmac) to work yesterday morning, the bus driver kept stopping at bus stops, even though nobody pressed the bell to get off the bus nor anyone flagging for the bus stop to alight. Some passengers, presumedly HK for their impatience, started to give suggestive comments for the lack of no brains and getting everyone late! The next day (today), as I took the AP1 route again (TCM), the bus driver skipped all the bus stops whom nobody flagged nor anyone had pressed the bell. Out of nowhere, the bus stopped suddenly by Edificio Marabela (by Avenida da Amizade (友誼大馬路) and Avenida de Venceslau de Morais (慕拉士大馬路)). Apparently, a few passengers wanted to get on AP1. Lo and behold, the bus driver got an earful, because the bus didn't stop for them. The driver complained that they did not flag him to stop. The passengers replied, "You're supposed to stop at bus stops. That's what a bus stop is for". *GROAN*

No matter what the bus driver does, he'll get the flack from alighting passengers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh the poor driver... he's just doing his job..

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:51:00 a.m.  
Blogger CBC in Hong Kong said...

Yes, just doing his job. But at least this driver didn't yell back. Most of the bus drivers in Macau, especially from TCM yell at passengers....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:51:00 a.m.  

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