Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Garbage Resolution at Edificio Hoi Pan Garden?

Apparently, the workers are back at collecting the garbage off of each floor and depositing in the public waste bins outside for disposal. But there are no notices posted either in the front entrance or the lobby. Oh well, at least I don't need to take the garbage out into the public bins now.

最後更新:04/18/2006 02:08:47
【本報消息】三名治安警及海關休班人員昨日凌晨與友人到南灣湖新蘭桂坊一卡拉OK消遣時,與鄰檯四名男子發生爭執,其間有人突然用啤酒樽襲擊三名保安部隊人員頭部,各人當場頭破血流。 休班警員當時立即表明身份,但有人未有理會,更自稱黑社會,其中一人更衝入水吧取出一把利刀圖施襲。最後三名保安部隊休班人員負傷合力將四名涉案者制服,交由趕至現場的警員拘捕返局。 被捕四名本澳男子分別姓林、廿五歲、賭場沓碼,姓江、廿八歲、無業,姓簡、廿五歲、賭場沓碼,及姓陳、廿五歲、賭場莊荷。警方現以嚴重傷人、違令、自稱黑社會成員等罪名,將四人移送檢察院處理。 一疑犯欲取刀施襲 據警方表示,昨日凌晨二時許,兩名治安休班警員、一名海關休班關員與另外四名友人到南灣湖新蘭桂坊一卡拉OK消遣。至四時許,有人藉詞過份嘈吵,四名涉案男子與有關保安部隊人員發生爭執,有人更取出啤酒樽擊向三名保安部隊休班人員頭部,三人當場頭破血流。 有休班警員立即表露身份,但有人竟毫不理會,更自稱黑社會成員,不肯就範。其中江姓男子更衝入水吧,取出一把利刀欲襲擊有關保安部隊休班人員。三人見場面失控,遂負傷合力將四名涉案者制服。 其後警員聞訊趕至現場,將四名涉案男子拘捕返局,並在場檢獲一把利刀及啤酒樽碎片,三名保安部隊休班人員傷勢普通。案件目前已移交檢察院處理。

From www.macaodaily.com on an incident where off-duty police officers were threatened by 4 thugs in a karaoke bar in the Praia Grande district. One of the off-duty police officers revealed his identity that he's a police officer. On the other hand, one of the thugs said he's a triad member. *GROAN* Nobody gives respect to the Judicial Police here in Macau?

Anyways, 4 days left till the trip to Japan!


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